I’m a father to three wonderful boys. Sales expert, public speaker, contributor, author and content creator. I live my life looking to leave a positive impact on the people I encounter.
I was born January 7, 1979 and was adopted. Both of my parents were hard-working people. My father worked long hours throughout the day and my mother worked nights so there was always someone at home with the kids.
I grew up living in a single-wide trailer home. When I was young I was embarrassed by it because all of my friends lived in “traditional” houses. Our trailer had to have tires on the roof to hold it on in case the winds became too strong. We would line buckets up and down the hall when it would rain to catch the water that leaked through the ceiling. Looking back growing up in that home helped mold me into the person I am today and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
By Junior High School I started to participate in sports and became much more social than I was in grade school. The team atmosphere and competing towards a common goal left me with a strong foundation that I utilize every single day to this day.
I was introduced to many different “opportunities” in my life and always looked at them with an open mind. One of the best, life-changing opportunities for me was Primerica where I was promoted to Regional Vice President within 18 months of joining. While I didn’t stay with Primerica and ventured back into the corporate world and my own endeavors, I learned many great skills regarding success, leadership, etc. I met many very wealthy people who were all very humble and grateful people.
I’m divorced with three boys. Jordan, who’s currently serving in the Navy and stationed in Virgina. Trenton, who is in the medical field and working at hospital in Phoenix, Arizona. And my youngest, Ryan, who is currently a football star at Boulder Creek High School. I have a great relationship with my boys and have enjoyed watching them turn into fine young men.

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